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Monday, August 8, 2011

aRED wakeup call

Within 6 months of what would be the most trying year of my life, I realized that I needed to care more about my health. Constantly going to see my new Cardiologist and taking test, during this I never thought I would be in a situation where, I'm hearing "OPEN HEART SURGERY" as a often statement. Because way to much blood was going in the wrong direction.

So since I became symptomatic, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pains, dizziness, swelling of the ankles or legs, cough, heart palpitations and etc. It was obvious that something wasn't right, and needed to be looked into. My doctor kept it real with me and uttered the words numerous times, "you need to definitely start thinking about SURGERY." He attempted to clean up the statement by letting me know that it wasn't emergency, but would definitely needed to be done within a year or so.

Knowing none of this is his fault and that he wants the best for me and my life, I know understood his sincerity. He was very sad to express to me that at 25 years old I'll be having open heart surgery. The sound of it coming from his mouth, the look on his face, the fact that he had me come down to sit on a chair in front of him instead of the bed. I knew he cared! Him being so personable meant so much to me, and made things a lot easier. Of course I knew that things were going to start moving fast, and boy did it ever.

I took lots of test once again, including a "stress test" on a treadmill as well as an "ECHO". In June I had to also have a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) done: An ultrasound probe that went down my esophagus/throat. (Sooooooooooo painful)!!! Which all confirmed that it was time to fix my valve, before it got to bad.

In June my Cardiologist found a Surgeon at UCSF for me, where he looked over everything and confirmed that it was probably time. We scheduled a consultation which was on July 29th. He went over exactly what things would entail and where we will go from here.  Since it was not an emergency, he asked me when I would like to have my surgery which I replied, "As soon as possible." Knowing that no matter how soon or late I have this done I will never be ready, but this was I can get it over with.

On the following Tuesday I received the call, Aug 25, 2011 is my scheduled date!!!

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